
Energy sector organisations face material sustainability risks including regulatory compliance, greenhouse gas emissions, transition to low-carbon technologies, physical climate risks, biodiversity loss, water management and waste management. These issues can result in penalties, stranded assets, disrupted operations, reputational damage and increased legal and operational costs.


The coal, oil and gas industries must confront sustainability-related challenges regarding water resource management, biodiversity impacts, greenhouse gas emissions and regulatory compliance. Effective strategies in recycling, emissions reduction and environmental management can drive operational efficiency, reduce costs and enhance long-term profitability and regulatory compliance.


The electricity industry faces sustainability-related challenges, including water scarcity for cooling, hazardous emissions and GHG regulations. Key opportunities lie in enhancing energy efficiency, managing water use and leveraging smart grid technologies to mitigate risks from extreme weather and cyber threats, thereby ensuring reliable and sustainable power generation.


The renewable energy industry, including biofuels, solar, wind and hydro, faces sustainability challenges such as water scarcity, lifecycle emissions and regulatory compliance. Opportunities lie in innovative water management, reducing lifecycle carbon emissions and navigating complex regulatory environments to enhance operational efficiency and secure market advantages.