“Nature hath placed nothing so high that it is out of reach of industry and valour” Alexander the Great
Eye For Business covers sustainability-related risks and opportunities across eight economic sectors and 24 industry value chains

Consumer durables
The highly competitive consumer durables sector faces several material sustainability issues. These include managing complex global supply chains to meet consumer demands while keeping costs low, maintaining product availability and dealing with low profit margins. Both brick-and-mortar and e-commerce businesses must navigate intense competition and reputational risks due to the substitutable nature of their products.

Against a backdrop of challenges such as regulatory compliance, affordability, ethical production and healthcare waste, the health sector is under considerable external pressure to adapt. From pharmaceuticals to equipment to healthcare services, there is an increasing focus on technology to reduce risk, meet growing health needs and protect long-term profitability.

Energy sector organisations face material sustainability risks including regulatory compliance, greenhouse gas emissions, transition to low-carbon technologies, physical climate risks, biodiversity loss, water management and waste management. These issues can result in penalties, stranded assets, disrupted operations, reputational damage and increased legal and operational costs.

Food & beverages
The food & beverages sector is an essential part of global sustainable development in terms of food security and health outcomes. Sustainability risks include climate change impacts, emissions, biodiversity loss, soil degradation, pesticide use, as well as water and waste management and supply chain vulnerabilities.

Traditional manufacturing is being transformed by increasing stakeholder clamour to improve its environmental impact. Across chemicals, packaging, aerospace and technology hardware, organisations must confront operational issues regarding emissions, air quality, energy and water management as well as hazardous waste disposal, in order to mitigate costs and risks.

From mining, to production of metals, construction materials and forestry, the material sector has an outsized environmental impact and policy relevance for sustainable development. Organisations must adapt to demands for responsible mining, sustainable production and environmentally-conscious forest management.

Organisations in aviation, automotive manufacturing, shipping and logistics industries face material sustainability risks including operational disruptions from extreme weather, regulatory costs from emission targets and market risks from slow energy transition and outdated technology.

Post-Covid-19, the tourism sector faces sustainability challenges including emissions, construction, waste disposal, local sourcing, and natural and cultural heritage preservation. Organisations in aviation, accommodation, travel booking, and catering must consider the potential financial impact of higher operating costs, potential fines and reputational damage.