
How the world responds to challenges related to the production, distribution and consumption of food will determine whether and how it can feed a growing world population, grow within its planetary boundaries and offer decent work to citizens. Food and agriculture are part of a highly complex industrial value chain that has a direct and causal impact on food security, sustainability and human health. EFB analyses the broader context of the food industry’s impact alongside a thorough investigation of data covering every aspect of its performance. Highlights of EFB’s food industry analysis include:

  • Based on international industry classifications, a comprehensive overview of the food value chain from crop and animal production, forestry and fishing to food manufacturing, the retail and wholesale sale of food and food service activities (restaurants)
  • A review of sustainability-related developments in the food industry in terms of the most relevant UN Sustainable development Goals (especially SDG#2, “Zero hunger” and SDG#12 “, Responsible consumption and production”), as well as industry-level climate impact and company-level sustainability efforts
  • Analysis of major geographic regions and other industrial value chains of overlapping concern with the food industry, particularly the tourism, energy and health industries.